Monday, November 29, 2004


recently been reading daily devotionals by Smith Wigglesworth. About the testing of voices in my head. To test them with the question of Did Jesus come in the flesh? Kenneth Copeland says to test them by asking if Jesus is Lord. Because the devil will never admit that He did come in the flesh, and He is Lord. And as for me, i want to constantly ask these 2 questions, to decisions i make, to thoughts i think. Sometimes i find that if i truly believed that He is alive and Lord, then i would or would not be doing so many things...

Just finished my lunch... again... haha. when i weighed myself b4 basketball on sunday, i actually put on 4 kg since i came.. hehe. must be the diet. and finished reading the blog of a hopeless romantic, Z. Correction, He's a hopeful romantic... haha... I'm sure he knows who i am refering to! Yah, i think he can ooze romantism man.. haha...

Not been flying yest and today, so that's gd rest for me. Think i would be flying tmr though. Hope i can perform much better. I determine to take a different approach to my future flights. It is difficult, but i hope to fly them without fears and worries, without allowing the instructor's negative inputs to get to me. Hey, to you reading this, jus say a little prayer for me ok?

Hopefully, our confinement period would end soon. then i can really buy stuff i really want and need. Like letters to reply those friends who have taken time out to write. Yes, i received them! and i like them too! God bless your souls!

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