Sunday, November 21, 2004

been so long

wow it's been quite some time since i updated. that was cos i have been e most busy this past week. flying 4 sorties in e same nmber of days has been no simple matter, esp since we jus got here and are being rushed so hard. Previous courses only averaged maybe a sortie every 3 or 4 days initially. Almost failed my last sortie which was a simulator. Praise God the instructor acknowledged my lack of sleep and cancelled it. Wont have the same excuse next week though... Plus our orientation prep went to waste. That was cos one of the students crashed last friday. flying should resume somewhere this week.

went to church today. it's called Riverview Church. The setup is so much like in New Cre! I really felt the presence of God when we went in late for worship. Even for that short period, i really missed that tangible presence. Message was a little dry initially, but maybe that's cos i was tired. However, when i humbled my heart more and tried to listen, it started takin more meaning to me. Was about the beautitudes. Attributes that spoke most to me was meekness in heart and proactiveness. Felt that i lost a bit of the former, and need more of the latter. But God will change that. As for honesty to emotions, i'm not too sure what to think of it yet. Does that mean being honest to God and ourselves about how we feel? What about times when we have to reject our emotions at the moment and press on? i.e. flying?

Slowly learning more that life is not about me. Cant say i never knew that b4, but maybe it was head knowledge. But i see more and more life is about Jesus, and that enables me to make life about others around me too. Read a little of I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Think it was really good, spoke to me on several fronts. Some reminders too. If you're reading this, i recommend the book. My heart is somethin precious and should not be so easily given away, but reserved for who God has opened the doors for me.

Thanx Zach, for the encouragement though you might not have meant it. Giving up simply means I have forgotten why I have started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Where are the photos of you in uniform!!! ;) Quickly post! Like the show 'Airforce' filmed donkey years ago, I'm sure you look handsome in the uniform!
