Tuesday, March 28, 2006


i guess our experiences teach us things. Opens our eyes to new lessons. Every new person i meet, has a purpose in my life. i guess the past few months has really opened my eyes to people. To a certain extent, i have become more others oriented.

Everyone has insecurities. It's jus how much, and in what area. It's also whether we can see it or not. For some, it's right there for the world to see. Others, it's veiled behind an exterior. Exteriors can be behavior, looks, expressions, conservativeness, extrovertness, optimism, pessimism, even things of God.. confessions, belief systems.. almost anything.

but there's no wrong and no right i think. All things have become permissible. Even acceptable. It's jus a matter of whether it's profitable. seeing two people. They start of differently. But from their roots, they live different lives. Are different products. One beginning may seem better, but both profit in terms of development, character, etc.

i guess there's this is what Christ has bought us in this life.

I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Everything that Christ is, i am. Greater is He that lives in me, than he who is in the world. If God is for me, who can be against me. I have the mind of Christ. I have blessings, health, prosperity, shalom, wholeness. He is my Shepherd, i shall not want. I dont only have enough. I have everything.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Victory is the Lord's

Finally i'm back.. what a queer feeling.. You would think that i would feel elated or something getting my wings. But i would say the emotion was more diluted than expected. After the flight, it just felt like any other flight. I jus felt... normal. I guess it could be said the same about people becoming pastors.. haha.. well, that's one dream down, two to go. Though i recognise that this is only the beginning of my career..

Bible Study yesterday was great for me. Three weeks in Pekan Baru, i didnt have any church to go to. There were time i had it rough in PK. The amount of work needed to be done, the work rate that had to be produced. It pushes any man to his limits i think. Some things cannot be said.. Later it jus becomes numb. There was once when i felt down.. and of everything i read, this one verse stood out for me. The victory is the Lord's. Somewhere in Proverbs. When i read that, it was like life rose up within me. Stress left me in that instant. I realised that the work i was doing.. the victory was the Lord's. It was His to sustain, His to achieve.

Yesterday during worship. I broke out in tears. The devil had been knocking me around. When the song began.. My righteousness.. My holiness.. Emmanuel, living in me... i was touched in my heart how Jesus still loves me, still lives in me. And that forevermore, i was His righteousness and holiness.. How He was the keeper of my heart, and still the lover of my soul. The song said.. To You alone i praise.. and make Your glory known. Never have the words taken so much meaning to me. It was like words from my heart. We fight FROM victory ground. The victory is the Lord's.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

It gets tougher..

hey i guess even ladies enjoy the smile and the compliment when in a inoffensive manner.. though sometimes not always the look and wink.. right? haha.. i'll be in indo till the 23th..

Meantime, training is getting more intensive, with the sorties gearing up towards planning for more complex missions like war scenarios. The amount of detail that goes into the planning is tremendous. Not to mention the scenario injects that the instructor "simulates"in flight. That multiplies the stress level during flight and squeezes all the brain juice out of us..

Been reading Romans 8.. I have the Spirit living in me. For those who already have, they dont need to hope for. But in hoping for things i do not yet have, i wait confidently and expectantly. Nothing can separate me from the love of God. Not sin. Not condemnation. He has reunited me with the Spirit by whom i call out Abba Father.

Friday, March 10, 2006

One week in Indonesia

have been a week and a half in indonesia already.. but it seems like i have been here so long.. so much work to do.. one wouldnt think that one could function with this amount of sleep..

Anyway, hope i can overcome my problems in flying.. once again its nothing to do with handling but processing in flight..

Thankful whenever the weekends come that offer an opportunity to relax and take my mind off work for a while.

One thing i noticed though.. indonesian girls seem braver than Singaporean girls.. haha.. they look you in the eye, smile, wink at you and even tell you that you are handsome.. hahaha..