Sunday, July 17, 2005

Zion Praise Harvest

Today I went to a new church. On the invite of my friend, I decided to go there which my friend described as “quite happening”. Well, since he said it was charismatic and “quite happening” sounds like what someone would describe my church, I decided to go.
Along the way, self-conscious me was struggling against going to this place. What if this place was like the church I ran away from afraid in the past? What if I got spooked again? Knowing how enthusiastic and spiritual charismatic churches can be…

But I remembered the journey Christ took me through, even through that church which I ran from, refused to answer calls to… And reminded myself that I was going to church to meet God, not anyone or anything else. Wasn’t going to be anti social, just wanted to be clear that I did not have to live to people’s expectations…

Got there slightly late, and worshipped had already started in this auditorium (in a Poly/Uni-like complex). People were so eager to shake our hands it reminded me of NCC. And then we got to our seats. And the next song began. As it begun, it brought a smile to my face, hearing a song I knew, and seeing the people worship God like it was campus! My friend’s friend immediately remarked to him that she could see I was so happy! Haha…

Worship was amazing for me. Knowing the songs definitely didn’t harm either.. and the atmosphere, and I could just feel the Spirit. Today I worshipped like I have not for months! Not even in Riverview.. I found myself singing at the top of my voice (off key it might have been) and it was like I was in campus all over again!

After service, my friend started asking me about what the differences were between roman catholics and Christians. He was a Catholic. So I offered my explanations and whatever little I knew. He seems to receive quite well. I believe he will eventually believe right. Maybe he would agree to go to New Cre when he returns to Singapore..

Then we had lunch, with some other members, and they were also in cgs. One guy remarked about how he liked it in New Cre. Saying it was different, like it had something more… and how he missed it.. he stays in Perth. God! I miss New Cre so much I cant wait to go back. Anyway, I cant wait to go back to Zion Praise Harvest as well!


Anonymous said...

hi son

if you need info on Roman catholicism i am reasonbably informed and can help if you need.
first you have the history then second the sacrments and lastly the rituals practise.

I have attended catechism class and know where they come from. So just be sensitive to answering them and tell them to commit on Romans 10 : 10.

God bless you son
love dad

psyencex said...

just happened to stumble into your blog.

it's nice to know someone from newcreation is in perth now.

i'm from new creation and recently just graduated and returned to singapore. i was also in zion praise harvest for almost 2yrs.

i used to serve in zion's worship team as an electric guitarist.

pleased to meet you!