Monday, November 21, 2005

Daily Devotional 22 nov

Working In A Difficult Environment (4)
God...put him in the tend and keep it.Genesis 2:15 AMP

While David was out in the pasture tending sheep, everyone's eyes were on Saul. But not God's: His eyes were on David watching how he worshipped, how his character was coming along, his relationship with and fear of God, and how he confronted evil. Would he be easily intimidated, or did he have the stuff kings were made of? How would he fare in battle? Would he see a giant, or a giant God standing behind him? Was he proud and self-sufficient, running ahead of God, or did he rely solely on God? Would he be fair with people? How would he handle authority? Would he speak evil of those placed over him? Or would he respect those in authority, regardless of their personal shortcomings?
David wasn't fully aware of what God had planned for him, but he acknowledged God in all his ways. Someone once said, "Character is what you are when nobody is watching." Well, God is always watching! He was watching David - and He's watching you!
Most of us do not work as though God is watching, or even cares about the job we're doing. We fail to realise that promotion doesn't come "from the east or the west... but [from] God" ( Psalm 75:6-7 NIV). Do you understand that as difficult as your current job may be, God has placed you there for a purpose? He has deposited you there so that you can learn how to deal with the enemy, grow in grace and maturity, and be trained for better things. Think about it!
Bible-in-a-year Reading:2 Chronicles 32-34, Mark 6:45-56,Psalm 76, Proverbs 27:4-6

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