Sunday, January 22, 2006

Evidence of God

One said you have to save yourself. Another said He will save you.
One said to attain knowledge. Another said to ask of Him and He will give.
One said do good to go to heaven. Another said He has given done everything for you.
One died for himself. Another died for the sinners.
One attained his anointing under a tree. Another died on His tree to give His anointing to the world.

The world is full of evidences of Jesus Christ, if the world would only open its eyes. Even Chinese practices are seen to originate from Scripture.. written 4000 years ago. The three joss sticks - a picture of the Holy Trinity. The single joss stick - a picture of one God. The manner of moving them - stated as the heave and wave offering in the Bible.
Everything is red. Why? Cos it originated to tell the story of the coming of the shedding of His blood. The couplets on the lamp posts from the application of blood on the door post to save Israel from the plague.
Even Chinese characters show their origin from God.

Thank you Lord for your mercy to me. For being kind to me. Your grace is more than sufficient for all my needs. And i hold on to Your promise.

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