Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Silent Lamb

havent blogged in a long time.. been wanting to.. but everytime jus didnt get to doing it.. now i am in brunei trying to finish up my Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) course.. flying's been doing rather well, but i guess it's kinda like a game of golf, where you keep trying to get that perfect game and never will get it..

Ever felt like somebody did something wrong to you, and you thought that your close ones would support or understand you but ended up defending the party who did you wrong? Would jus shock you wouldnt it? Worse when the other party jus refuses to budge from that stand.. Kind of corners you and make you feel like you were supposed to suffer in silence..

Well Jesus was beaten by those he loved. The people He was trying to save, persecuted, beat, tortured and crucified Him. Like a Lamb to the slaughter, He chose to stay silent. Lord if anyone can teach me to handle this, You can..

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