Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Psalm 23

Wow, the recent sharings about Psalm 23 really spoke to me. Psalm 23 was something that kept me going during my survival training in Brunei, and when i first received it on Sunday, i was impressed to jus read it through once. And when i read the shepherd's perspective, i understood why. He loves me. That's why.

I guess everyday will come with its own challenges, and life is that you can expect no sympathies from the world, for who understands? God does. Jesus walked this road before. And i would never give up what He has given everything for.

I learned the following from a book i am reading. It's called The Battle Belongs to the Lord.

Lord I don’t know what to do. Even if I did, I would not know how to do it. Some things are just out of my hands. But You. You are all knowing, all powerful, surpassing knowledge and infinite. You are God. My heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty, neither do I exercise in things too great or wonderful for me. I’m gonna wait on You, wait for you to do wonderful things! And I’m gonna enjoy watching it! Hallelujah!

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