Sunday, October 31, 2004


it's sunday, comin to midnight. Work resumes tmr. Really, work in the first week was so hectic that come saturday, each one of us here felt we had never appreciated a weekend the way we did before. Even though we were confined, but being able to relax was a huge relief. This even though we have to study for 6 quizes come monday and tuesday! haha..

A it on my sentiments being a trainee. To those who know me, know what kinda job it is. It is daunting, to be real, and causes me to lose my reliance on Him because of the effort we have to put in. But everytime i remember that His grace and love is sufficient for all my needs, that it will all work out good, i find peace again.

Was finding the meaning of the word "heart" in the Bible. Found different meanings, and mistook the Greek in the New Testament as a different Hebrew word from those used in e Old Testament. Cos Pastor say we have a new heart mah.. haha.. but what i found out were that other meanings were "thoughts, feelings, emotions, intellect". And the verses suddenly take so many meanings! haha.. I guess God really wants us entirely, wants us to subject our soul to His love. And Hearken/listen INTO His Righteousness (dikaiosunē *Greek- pronounced dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay)(tsedâqâh *Hebrew- pronounced tsed-aw-kaw')..

spoke to my parents, joseph and josiah today. So good to hear voices you care about. Hope to hear from more people too. May we all fall in love with Jesus a thousand times more.

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