Wednesday, December 06, 2006

God is Merciful

My friend went home from brunei this morning.. last night his grandmother had passed away.. and i tot of going with him to church this sat.. i hope he would be fine.. me and him go back to about three years ago when we started in the air force.. i remember being shortlisted together with him to take part in some running competition, being some of the stronger runners, yet the weakest amongst the strongest.. we jus pushed each other on..

Yest i could see sadness in his eyes.. and i asked him if his grandma was saved, cos he is from chc. He said no.. Funny how i have to face this a second time.. i could only tell him that God was merciful.. that we never know that at some point in the person's life.. i went to sleep praying God to be His Comforter cos He really is.

Lord you know what i am really thinking.. You know the desires of my heart.. You are the God of the small things, so what more you will fulfill this big thing for me.. i claim your promise Lord.

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