Friday, March 10, 2006

One week in Indonesia

have been a week and a half in indonesia already.. but it seems like i have been here so long.. so much work to do.. one wouldnt think that one could function with this amount of sleep..

Anyway, hope i can overcome my problems in flying.. once again its nothing to do with handling but processing in flight..

Thankful whenever the weekends come that offer an opportunity to relax and take my mind off work for a while.

One thing i noticed though.. indonesian girls seem braver than Singaporean girls.. haha.. they look you in the eye, smile, wink at you and even tell you that you are handsome.. hahaha..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Lincoln..
so u enjoying the look, the wink, the smile and the compliment?

how long u are going to be in indonesia?

take care...
