Saturday, October 01, 2005


attended campus today.. and praise God for anointed preachers. P. Darren talked about seeing Jesus. That when we see Jesus in every situation, in every circumstance, we shall not be shaken. It is when we gain a revelation of His blood. The value, the price. And when that revelation comes into our reality, our relationship with Him jus grows stronger. I don wanna give up knowing Jesus for anything in this world.

Even amidst such a non relational subject. i believe He gave me glimpses of truth in this area of my life. It was in recent times that got me wondering if i should be looking to get into a relationship. Whereas it was clear cut in the past, the recent months have been quite blurry for me in this aspect. Lost, is really what i would use to describe myself.

I realize that what i really want, and need, is to rest in God. And simply wait. Some would say i would get nothing done this way. But i believe that God is more than my inadequacies. He can put me in the right place and the right time, and cause me to act. Well one thing i know. If i do approach a girl, i do not want it to be out of a fear of wondering what i would miss if i didnt. And if i did not approach a girl, i do not want it to be out of a fear of rejection.

I also realize this. That even if i got rejected or have a bad relationship, i know that i will surely be alright. Cause Jesus is always with me. I think He means to liberate me with this truth.

In any case, i hope that whoever reads this doesnt speculate on anything. Jus take anything i type on face value. I am who i am by His grace. And i will embrace myself, even my weaknesses, because Jesus embraces every inch of me.

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