Sunday, January 09, 2005


here's stuff from my brother joseph's blog... jus felt it reflects so much of what Christ is to us, and His love for us... enjoy.

Save by Your mercy
Found in Your grace
Totaly surrenderred to Your embrace
There's nothing more than you
See your perfection
Im lost in your peace
Your faithfulness sing overs me
And Your love is the light of my soul
And i lift my eyes to you
Creator of the world
And i stand in awe of You
Of Your glory
Add i live to worship You
Son of God
King of Heaven...

I really really love this song... i've been listening to it for so many many times...When our church started to sing this... i felt so loved to sing this to my dear Daddy God...I just wanna praise and worship You oh Lord...All that is within me... I shall bless Your Holy Name...You are my everything... my keeng... and my hope...And I am on the mercy seat...'
Thank you thank you...

So many many many many times i have fallen short... but yet... but yet You just say it's ok... I still love you... you are my dear child... and my grace is more than sufficient for you... I noe thru the song you just want me to praise you...Oh... how many times I forget... Oh how many times I do things by my way...Oh how many times I sin...

Oh Lord... Oh Lord...In my areas of weakness... YOU be my strength...In the gifts that you have given me... help me give glory to You...It's you... it's you who clean me up and make me ur beloved child...Bless Your holy name oh Lord...Let not my heart be troubled you say...Yes... help me

Let not my heart be troubled...Help me... there are so many many things i do not know how to do...So many decisions I don not know how to make...So many things I do not know how to say...
But Lord oh Lord... you say that your Holy Spirit would teach me ALL things...You say that you give me peace...You give me a peace that is unlike wat the world "gives"...Oh Lord Oh Lord... i noe that You are God...Though I am typing... I believe you read wat i write and give me Your undivided attention...

Yes... I just wan to lift Your name on high... I just wanna express how I feel for You... Daddy God... my dear dear Father...I thank You for bringing me thru the year 2004...I thank You for helping me in my studies...I thank You for giving me dear frens that I so hold dear in my heart...I thank You for the family you have given me...I thank You that You been to my future and YOU... Yes You my Lord... You declare IT IS GOOD!Oh Lord oh Lord... who am I to doubt wat You said... who am I to question...You said it and so it will be...You cannot lie... You cannot...

Oh Lord oh Lord... You demonstrated Your love towards me by sending Your Son... your ONE AND ONLY SON to die just for me... Your dear dear Jesus...who did a perfect work on the cross... by bearing ALL my sins... past present and future on MY cross...
Oh Lord Oh Lord... how can it be that i did not get wat I am suppose to deserve...But yet... it is so...I do not get wat I deserve... and I get wat I do not deserve...
Oh Lord Oh Lord... Your grace... your mercy... its so wide... so deep... so abundant... that i just amazes me... I was lost but I am now found... Found in Jesus... You took a wretched me... and saved me from the flames...
Oh Lord Oh Lord... You are faithful... You are all so faithful... never once you let go of me... never once You stopped loving me... never once You leave me... but yet... more than once I have... I have... and as I forsake You... and realised again and again... that there is nothing i can do or nothing that i have not done to deserve your grace, mercy, blessings, protection and FAVOR....
Oh Lord oh Lord... I love You... Oh... How much I love You...
Oh Lord Oh Lord... use me mightily... use me all so mightily in your kingdom...
Oh Lord Oh Lord... You know wats on my mind... You know my nonsense... You know my rubbish... You know my slowness... my duhness... my lameness...If these are wat I have... these would be wat i shall give to You...

Bless the Lord oh my soul... all that is within me... bless Your holy name!

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